牧師的話 A Word From Pastor Law







I believe that your visit to our website is no accident, and I believe that through it, God Himself will bless you in your life. Would you like to fill your life with more peace, joy, hope, and strength?

Let me sincerely introduce our church to you,
Chinese Life Lutheran Church is a church that adheres to the truths of the Bible, welcomes one another, and carries God-given visions.
Our three visions are:

  1. Personal: to know God, put our trust in Christ, practice the truth and become a disciple.
  2. Internal: love one another, support each other, and establish a warm fellowship life.
  3. External: preach the salvation of God, serve the community, and become the base for spreading the gospel.

The real need of today’s society is greater care, forbearance and acceptance between people. The meaning of faith itself is to provide people with hope, peace, freedom, and joy through God’s grace in the midst of the troubles in this distorted and corrupt generation.

We sincerely invite you to join this loving family, and we hope that through the love of Jesus Christ and through your joining to grow this loving fellowship, that our church can become a blessing to this city.

Senior Pastor
Daniel Law.